The food pantry operation consists of several facets. It provides food for our homeless shelter residents. It also provides emergency food support (up to once every 30 days) for the needy in the community. In addition to volunteers that operate the food pantry, there are volunteers who run daily food securement routes attaining edible food from being thrown away. Finally, due to the walk-in freezer and refrigerator storage capacity, the food pantry also serves as a distribution center for ten smaller food pantries in the Hamilton County area.
The shelter provides emergency shelter for both single women and single men. These living areas are in physically different areas/floors of the home. Beds exist to handle up to 50 individuals. Emergency shelter is provided for up to thirty days. Currently, residents can be either male or female, but must be at least the age of 18. At this time, we do not have facilities to host families with children. Additionally, pets are not allowed at the shelter. Shelter is provided to Hamilton County residents. Residents have daily tasks that assist in maintaining Third Phase facilities.
The thrift store operation provides clothing and household supplies for homeless shelter residents (those residing and those leaving the shelter moving into a new apartment). It also provides emergency clothing and supply needs upon written referral from poor relief efforts of the Hamilton County Trustee’s offices. The general operation of the thrift store provides a low cost alternative to residents in the community, and any profits made at the store being directly used to cover utility bills incurred in the Third Phase emergency homeless shelter. In addition to volunteers that operate the thrift store, there are volunteers who will pick up larger size or larger quantity of donations from the donor’s home or business. Contact Third Phase directly to schedule a donation “pick up” appointment. Please know that at this time, the thrift store can only accept cash. We cannot accept checks, credit cards, or debit cards.
We are always in need of:
*Toiletries, such as deodorants, soaps, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, etc...
*Toilet Paper, Plastic bags, paper towels, etc...
*Any donation of consumer goods, such as over the counter pain releivers, contact solutions, household goods, Childerens' toys and other thoughtful kind donations are appreciated. Unfortunately, we do not accept matresses or tube style TVs.